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Canadian Training Platform for Trials Leveraging Existing Networks

We've built our training platform around a set of skills that need to be honed. Our cross-training approach will ensure that basic skills reach nearly all trainees; however, each phenotype will have a different lens based on their unique skillset, background, and job function. 

About CAN-TAP-Talent

COVID-19 demonstrated the importance of clinical trial capacity and expertise in responding quickly to critical questions. This includes treatment approaches, gathering data on outcomes to further design precision trials, using novel research designs and analyses, and engaging communities in knowledge-to-action cycles so that results can be used to combat emerging health issues as quickly as possible.


CAN-TAP-TALENT aims to increase the capacity and efficiency of Canada's clinical trials training pipeline while also developing a diverse set of skills. A national platform will structure and streamline training while also providing cross-training and job shadowing opportunities across provinces and disease networks, ensuring a steady supply of new HQP and distributing the training and mentoring load more evenly. It also provides direct access to multicenter trials and Canada's internationally recognized trial experts through the Pan-Canadian Consortium.


This platform will ensure that high-quality people (HQP) are trained using a patient-centered approach, which places the patient at the centre of every step of the clinical trials process, from question selection to outcomes and interventions to knowledge mobilization.


As a result, we want to involve communities in defining research questions that are important to patients and caregivers, as well as in knowledge-to-action cycles, so that results can be used in the real world to combat emerging health issues as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Canadian Training Platform for Trials Leveraging Existing Networks

200 Elizabeth Street

Toronto, ON

M5G 2C4

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